YDS Kelimeleri sınavlarda başarıyı garantilemenin anahtarıdır. İleri düzey kelime bilgisi, sadece sınav performansını artırmakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda akademik ve profesyonel alanda da önemli bir avantaj sağlar. Bu yüzden, YDS kelimeleri öğrenmek, dil becerilerinizi geliştirmenin en etkili yollarından biridir. Aşağıda verilen 100 ileri seviye İngilizce kelime ve örnek cümleler, sınav başarısı için kritik öneme sahiptir. Her kelimenin anlamını ve kullanımını öğrenerek, sınavda ve gerçek hayatta güçlü bir dil kullanımı elde edebilirsiniz.
İşte 100 ileri düzey YDS kelimeleri:
- Aberration – Sapma
- The scientist explained the results as an aberration from the usual pattern.
- Abhor – Nefret etmek
- She abhors violence in all forms.
- Abridge – Kısaltmak
- The editor decided to abridge the lengthy novel.
- Absolve – Aklamak
- The judge absolved him of all charges.
- Acquiesce – Razı olmak
- Despite her reservations, she acquiesced to the plan.
- Admonish – Uyarmak
- The teacher admonished the students for being late.
- Alacrity – Heves
- She accepted the invitation with alacrity.
- Amiable – Sevimli, cana yakın
- His amiable personality made him popular among colleagues.
- Antithesis – Zıtlık
- His calm demeanor is the antithesis of her fiery temper.
- Apathy – Duygusuzluk
- There is a growing apathy among voters in the country.
- Arduous – Zor
- Climbing the mountain was an arduous task.
- Assiduous – Gayretli
- He was an assiduous student who always completed his assignments on time.
- Belligerent – Kavgacı
- The belligerent nations finally agreed to peace talks.
- Benevolent – Hayırsever
- The benevolent organization donated millions to charity.
- Blatant – Aşikar
- His lies were so blatant that no one believed him.
- Brevity – Kısalık
- The brevity of his speech was appreciated by the audience.
- Cajole – İkna etmek
- She managed to cajole him into joining the project.
- Callous – Duygusuz
- His callous attitude towards the homeless shocked everyone.
- Capricious – Değişken
- Her capricious nature makes it hard to predict her next move.
- Chastise – Azarlamak
- The manager chastised the employee for missing the deadline.
- Clairvoyant – Geleceği görebilen
- The clairvoyant predictions of the economist came true.
- Cohesive – Tutarlı
- The essay was well-written and cohesive, with clear arguments.
- Complacent – Kendi halinde, memnun
- After winning the award, he became complacent and stopped trying.
- Concur – Aynı fikirde olmak
- I concur with your assessment of the situation.
- Condone – Hoş görmek
- The school does not condone cheating in any form.
- Convoluted – Karışık
- The plot of the movie was so convoluted that many viewers left confused.
- Debilitate – Zayıflatmak
- The illness debilitated her for weeks.
- Deferential – Saygılı
- He gave a deferential nod to the elders in the room.
- Deride – Alay etmek
- They derided his attempt at making art.
- Despondent – Umutsuz
- After the failure of the project, he felt despondent.
- Dilatory – Yavaş
- His dilatory tactics caused delays in the project.
- Discern – Fark etmek
- It was hard to discern the truth from the lies.
- Disparate – Farklı
- The two ideas were so disparate that they couldn’t be combined.
- Ebullient – Coşkulu
- Her ebullient personality made the party lively.
- Egregious – Gözler önünde, aşırı kötü
- The company made an egregious error in its financial statements.
- Elucidate – Aydınlatmak
- The teacher tried to elucidate the complex topic.
- Enervate – Güçsüzleştirmek
- The long work hours began to enervate the employees.
- Ephemeral – Kısa ömürlü
- The beauty of the cherry blossoms is ephemeral.
- Epitome – Özet, simge
- She is the epitome of kindness.
- Eschew – Kaçınmak
- He eschewed all forms of extravagance.
- Evanescent – Geçici
- The rainbow was evanescent, fading within minutes.
- Exacerbate – Kötüleştirmek
- The heavy rains exacerbated the flooding.
- Execrable – İğrenç
- The food at the restaurant was execrable.
- Fatuous – Aptalca
- His fatuous comments annoyed everyone in the meeting.
- Fecund – Verimli
- The fecund land produced abundant crops every season.
- Fervent – Şiddetli, ateşli
- His fervent passion for music was evident in every performance.
- Flabbergasted – Şaşırmış
- She was flabbergasted by the unexpected news.
- Fractious – Huysuz
- The fractious children were hard to control.
- Garrulous – Geveze
- His garrulous nature made the conversation exhausting.
- Hackneyed – Basmakalıp
- The movie’s plot was full of hackneyed clichés.
- Hapless – Şanssız
- The hapless travelers were stranded at the airport for hours.
- Harangue – Nutuk çekmek
- The politician’s long harangue bored the audience.
- Heinous – Korkunç
- The criminal was punished for his heinous actions.
- Iconoclast – Gelenek karşıtı
- The artist was an iconoclast, always challenging conventions.
- Impetuous – Aceleci
- His impetuous decisions often led to trouble.
- Inchoate – Tam gelişmemiş
- His ideas were still inchoate, needing more development.
- Indefatigable – Yorulmak bilmez
- The indefatigable athlete trained every day without fail.
- Insidious – Sinsi
- The disease progressed in an insidious manner, without obvious symptoms.
- Intransigent – Uzlaşmaz
- The negotiators were intransigent, refusing to compromise.
- Languid – Halsiz
- The heat made him feel languid and tired.
- Lethargic – Uyuşuk
- After the long flight, she felt lethargic and needed rest.
- Loquacious – Geveze
- His loquacious nature made him a popular guest at parties.
- Malfeasance – Yolsuzluk
- The investigation uncovered malfeasance within the company.
- Maverick – Bağımsız
- She was a maverick, always challenging the status quo.
- Nefarious – Kötü niyetli
- The villain’s nefarious plans were thwarted by the hero.
- Obfuscate – Kafa karıştırmak
- The lawyer’s language was designed to obfuscate the truth.
- Obstreperous – Gürültücü
- The obstreperous crowd was hard to control.
- Onerous – Külfetli
- Completing the project was an onerous task.
- Pernicious – Tehlikeli
- The pernicious effects of smoking are well-documented.
- Perspicacious – Zeki
- Her perspicacious analysis impressed everyone at the meeting.
- Precocious – Erken gelişmiş
- The precocious child could read by the age of three.
- Proclivity – Eğilim
- He has a proclivity for solving complex puzzles.
- Pugnacious – Kavgacı
- His pugnacious attitude often got him into trouble.
- Querulous – Mızmız
- The querulous passengers complained about the delayed flight.
- Recalcitrant – İnatçı
- The recalcitrant student refused to follow the rules.
- Reprobate – Ahlaksız
- The character in the book was a reprobate with no moral compass.
- Sagacious – Bilge
- The elder’s sagacious advice guided the young leader.
- Sanguine – İyimser
- Despite the challenges, she remained sanguine about the future.
- Scurrilous – Ağır hakaret içeren
- The article contained scurrilous attacks on the politician.
- Solicitous – Endişeli
- The nurse was solicitous about the patient’s condition.
- Spurious – Sahte
- The scientist quickly disproved the spurious claims.
- Staid – Ciddi
- The professor’s staid demeanor intimidated the students.
- Superfluous – Gereksiz
- The report contained many superfluous details.
- Tacit – Üstü kapalı
- There was a tacit agreement between the two companies.
- Tenuous – Zayıf
- His arguments were based on tenuous evidence.
- Trepidation – Korku
- She approached the stage with trepidation, unsure of what to expect.
- Truculent – Vahşi
- The truculent animal growled at the approaching strangers.
- Ubiquitous – Her yerde
- Smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern society.
- Vacuous – Boş, anlamsız
- His vacuous remarks added nothing to the conversation.
- Vehement – Şiddetli
- She gave a vehement denial of the accusations.
- Venerate – Saygı göstermek
- The students venerate their teacher for his wisdom.
- Vex – Sinirlendirmek
- His constant questioning began to vex the professor.
- Voracious – Açgözlü
- He had a voracious appetite for knowledge.
- Wistful – Özlem dolu
- She gave a wistful look at her childhood home.
- Zealous – Gayretli
- The zealous supporters cheered loudly for their team.
- Zenith – Zirve
- The athlete reached the zenith of his career at the Olympics.
- Zephyr – Hafif rüzgar
- A gentle zephyr cooled the hot summer afternoon.
- Abscond – Kaçmak
- The thief absconded with the valuable paintings.
- Adumbrate – Taslağını çizmek
- The report will adumbrate the key points of the discussion.
- Aspersion – İftira
– His speech was filled with aspersions against his opponent.
Bu ileri düzey YDS kelimeleri listesi, sınav başarınızı ve dil becerilerinizi artırmanıza yardımcı olacaktır. Bu kelimeleri öğrenerek akademik metinlerde daha rahat ilerleyebilir ve dil sınavlarında üstün performans gösterebilirsiniz.