YDS Kelimeleri PDF 50 Adet

İngilizce Kelime Türkçe Anlamı Cümle
Abandon Terk etmek They had to abandon the project due to lack of funds.
Ability Yetenek She has an incredible ability to solve complex problems.
Abolish Feshetmek The government decided to abolish the old tax laws.
Absorb Emmek Plants absorb sunlight to produce energy.
Abstract Soyut The painting is highly abstract and open to interpretation.
Abundant Bol, çok The region is known for its abundant natural resources.
Accelerate Hızlandırmak New technology can accelerate the production process.
Access Erişim You need a password to access the system.
Accomplish Başarmak With hard work, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.
Accurate Doğru, kesin His report was accurate and very detailed.
Achieve Başarmak She worked hard to achieve her goals.
Acquire Edinmek Over the years, he managed to acquire great wealth.
Adapt Uyum sağlamak It took her a while to adapt to the new environment.
Adequate Yeterli The project was completed with adequate resources.
Adjacent Bitişik Their house is adjacent to a large park.
Adjust Ayarlamak You should adjust the settings to improve the brightness.
Administer Yönetmek She was hired to administer the new department.
Advocate Savunmak He is known to advocate for environmental protection.
Affect Etkilemek The weather can greatly affect your travel plans.
Afford Karşılamak Can you afford to take a vacation this year?
Aggregate Toplamak The data was aggregated from various sources.
Allocate Tahsis etmek The funds were allocated to improve infrastructure.
Alter Değiştirmek They had to alter the plans due to unexpected changes.
Alternative Alternatif We need an alternative solution to this problem.
Ambiguous Belirsiz His response was ambiguous and confusing.
Amend Düzeltmek They decided to amend the contract to include new terms.
Analyze Analiz etmek Scientists analyze data to understand the phenomenon.
Annual Yıllık The annual report is due next month.
Anticipate Beklemek We anticipate an increase in sales this quarter.
Apparent Görünür The benefits of the new policy were immediately apparent.
Appreciate Takdir etmek I really appreciate your help with the project.
Approach Yaklaşmak As we approach the deadline, the pressure increases.
Appropriate Uygun It is not appropriate to speak loudly in the library.
Approximate Yaklaşık The cost of repairs is approximately $500.
Arbitrary Keyfi The manager’s decision seemed quite arbitrary.
Aspect Yön Teamwork is an important aspect of any successful project.
Assess Değerlendirmek The teacher will assess each student’s performance.
Assign Atamak She was assigned a new role in the organization.
Assist Yardım etmek The staff will assist you with any inquiries.
Assume Varsaymak We cannot assume everyone understands the instructions.
Attain Elde etmek He worked hard to attain his position in the company.
Authority Otorite She has the authority to make important decisions.
Aware Farkında They were not aware of the risks involved.
Benefit Fayda Regular exercise can greatly benefit your health.
Bias Önyargı We must eliminate bias in hiring practices.
Bond Bağ There is a strong bond between the siblings.
Brief Kısa She gave a brief overview of the project’s objectives.
Bulk Yığın They buy products in bulk to save money.
Capable Yetkin She is highly capable of handling complex tasks.
Capacity Kapasite The hall has a seating capacity of 500 people.
Category Kategori This item falls under a different category.

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