40 Adet YDS Kolay İngilizce Kelime ve Türkçe Anlamları


40 Kolay İngilizce Kelime ve Türkçe Anlamları

İngilizce Kelime Türkçe Anlamı
Apple Elma
Book Kitap
Car Araba
Dog Köpek
Egg Yumurta
Fish Balık
Green Yeşil
House Ev
Ice Buz
Jump Zıplamak
Key Anahtar
Light Işık
Milk Süt
Night Gece
Open Açık
Pen Kalem
Queen Kraliçe
Red Kırmızı
Smile Gülümseme
Table Masa
Umbrella Şemsiye
Village Köy
Water Su
Yellow Sarı
Zebra Zebra
Ball Top
Chair Sandalye
Dance Dans etmek
Eat Yemek yemek
Face Yüz
Garden Bahçe
Happy Mutlu
Idea Fikir
Jump Zıplamak
Kite Uçurtma
Lemon Limon
Music Müzik
Nest Yuva
Orange Portakal
Pillow Yastık

İngilizce Cümleler

  1. Apple: I ate a red apple for breakfast.
  2. Book: She is reading an interesting book.
  3. Car: He drives a very fast car.
  4. Dog: My dog loves to play in the garden.
  5. Egg: I boiled an egg for lunch.
  6. Fish: There is a fish swimming in the tank.
  7. Green: The grass is so green after the rain.
  8. House: Their house is near the beach.
  9. Ice: The drink is cold because of the ice.
  10. Jump: The children love to jump on the trampoline.
  11. Key: Don’t forget to take the key to the car.
  12. Light: Turn on the light, it’s too dark here.
  13. Milk: I need some milk for my coffee.
  14. Night: It is so quiet at night in the village.
  15. Open: Please open the window, it’s hot in here.
  16. Pen: I need a blue pen to write my notes.
  17. Queen: The queen of England was very popular.
  18. Red: She bought a red dress for the party.
  19. Smile: His smile made everyone happy.
  20. Table: The plates are on the table.
  21. Umbrella: Don’t forget your umbrella, it might rain.
  22. Village: The village is surrounded by beautiful mountains.
  23. Water: I drank a glass of cold water.
  24. Yellow: The yellow flowers look beautiful.
  25. Zebra: The zebra is grazing in the field.
  26. Ball: The child is playing with a ball in the park.
  27. Chair: Sit on the chair, please.
  28. Dance: She loves to dance at parties.
  29. Eat: They went to a restaurant to eat dinner.
  30. Face: Her face lit up with joy.
  31. Garden: The garden is full of colorful flowers.
  32. Happy: He felt very happy after receiving the gift.
  33. Idea: That’s a great idea for the project!
  34. Jump: They were excited and started to jump with joy.
  35. Kite: The kite flew high in the sky.
  36. Lemon: She squeezed a lemon into the salad.
  37. Music: He listens to music while working.
  38. Nest: There is a bird’s nest in the tree.
  39. Orange: I peeled an orange for dessert.
  40. Pillow: The pillow on the bed looks so soft.

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