15 ADET YDS Kelimeleri

2 Min Read
İngilizce Kelime Türkçe Karşılığı
Perfunctory Gelişigüzel
Obfuscate Gizlemek, karmaşıklaştırmak
Penchant Meyil, eğilim
Rescind Feshetmek
Sycophant Yalaka, dalkavuk
Inexorable Durmaksızın, acımasız
Evanescent Geçici, kısa ömürlü
Lachrymose Gözyaşı döken, ağlak
Recalcitrant İnatçı, dikbaşlı
Sagacious Bilge, zeki
Ubiquitous Her yerde bulunan
Insidious Sinsi, alttan alta zarar veren
Tenebrous Karanlık, loş
Vicissitude Dalgalanma, değişim
Zenith Doruk, zirve

Bu kelimelerle oluşturulan 15 cümle:

  1. His perfunctory approach to the task led to several mistakes.
  2. Politicians often try to obfuscate the truth to confuse the public.
  3. She has a strong penchant for collecting vintage jewelry.
  4. The government decided to rescind the controversial law.
  5. He surrounded himself with sycophants who constantly praised him.
  6. The progress of climate change seems inexorable despite global efforts.
  7. The rainbow was evanescent, fading moments after the rain stopped.
  8. The movie had such a lachrymose ending that everyone in the theater was in tears.
  9. The recalcitrant employee refused to follow any of the company’s new policies.
  10. Her sagacious advice helped me avoid a major financial mistake.
  11. With smartphones, technology has become ubiquitous in our daily lives.
  12. The virus spread in an insidious manner, showing no symptoms at first.
  13. The cave was tenebrous, with only a small lantern to guide them.
  14. Life is full of vicissitudes, but resilience helps you overcome them.
  15. After years of hard work, she finally reached the zenith of her career.



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