50 kelimeyle oluşturulmuş bir içerik, daha geniş bir kelime dağarcığına sahip olmanıza ve YDS kelimeleri üzerinde derinlemesine çalışma fırsatı sunar. Aşağıda, bu kelimelerin Türkçe karşılıkları ve her biri için örnek cümleler bulabilirsiniz. İngilizce dil becerilerinizi geliştirmek ve sınavlarda başarılı olmak için bu kelimeleri öğrenmek oldukça faydalıdır.
İşte 50 İngilizce kelime:
- Abolish – Feshetmek
- The government decided to abolish the outdated law.
- Accumulate – Biriktirmek
- She managed to accumulate a large amount of wealth over the years.
- Adapt – Uyarlamak
- The book was adapted into a successful movie.
- Allocate – Tahsis etmek
- We need to allocate more funds to the research department.
- Amend – Değiştirmek
- The constitution was amended to include new rights.
- Analyze – Analiz etmek
- They will analyze the results of the experiment tomorrow.
- Anticipate – Beklemek
- We anticipate a significant increase in sales next quarter.
- Approve – Onaylamak
- The board will approve the proposal in their next meeting.
- Attain – Elde etmek
- She worked hard to attain her goals.
- Boost – Arttırmak
- The government is looking for ways to boost the economy.
- Compensate – Telafi etmek
- The company will compensate employees for the overtime they worked.
- Comprise – Oluşmak
- The committee is comprised of experts in various fields.
- Conceal – Gizlemek
- He tried to conceal his true feelings about the decision.
- Confront – Yüzleşmek
- She decided to confront her fears and take action.
- Consent – Rıza göstermek
- They need your consent before they can proceed with the operation.
- Contribute – Katkıda bulunmak
- Everyone should contribute to the team’s success.
- Convince – İkna etmek
- He managed to convince the jury of his innocence.
- Correlate – İlişkilendirmek
- The study will correlate different variables to draw a conclusion.
- Decline – Reddetmek
- He had to decline the offer due to other commitments.
- Demonstrate – Göstermek
- The instructor will demonstrate how to use the equipment.
- Derive – Türetmek
- The word is derived from Latin.
- Detect – Tespit etmek
- The system can detect even the smallest errors.
- Devote – Adamak
- She decided to devote her life to helping others.
- Differ – Farklı olmak
- Their opinions differ on the matter.
- Distinguish – Ayırt etmek
- It’s important to distinguish fact from opinion.
- Dominate – Hakim olmak
- The team managed to dominate the entire match.
- Emphasize – Vurgulamak
- He continued to emphasize the importance of teamwork.
- Ensure – Sağlamak
- Please ensure that all the doors are locked before you leave.
- Evaluate – Değerlendirmek
- The teacher will evaluate the students’ performance.
- Exceed – Aşmak
- Sales this year have exceeded all expectations.
- Facilitate – Kolaylaştırmak
- The new software will facilitate collaboration between teams.
- Formulate – Formüle etmek
- Scientists are trying to formulate a new theory.
- Generate – Üretmek
- This machine can generate a large amount of power.
- Imply – İma etmek
- His tone seemed to imply that he was not happy with the decision.
- Incorporate – Dahil etmek
- The design needs to incorporate new safety features.
- Induce – Sebep olmak
- The drug can induce a deep state of relaxation.
- Interpret – Yorumlamak
- How do you interpret these data?
- Justify – Haklı çıkarmak
- He tried to justify his actions, but no one believed him.
- Modify – Değiştirmek
- The software allows you to modify the settings easily.
- Neglect – İhmal etmek
- You should not neglect your health.
- Overcome – Üstesinden gelmek
- She managed to overcome all the obstacles in her way.
- Persist – Israr etmek
- He continued to persist even after facing many challenges.
- Prohibit – Yasaklamak
- The law prohibits smoking in public places.
- Pursue – Takip etmek
- She decided to pursue a career in engineering.
- Regulate – Düzenlemek
- The government plans to regulate the new industry.
- Retain – Muhafaza etmek
- He tried to retain as much information as possible before the exam.
- Reveal – Açığa çıkarmak
- The investigation revealed some shocking information.
- Substitute – Yerine geçmek
- You can substitute butter with olive oil in this recipe.
- Undermine – Zayıflatmak
- Constant criticism can undermine a person’s confidence.
- Utilize – Kullanmak
- The company plans to utilize solar energy in the future.